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Blackpink Heardle

Blackpink Heardle is an interesting game, the sole difference between this game and the other Heardles is that the former plays just Blackpink songs. From the group's discography, one Blackpink Heardle is selected at random for each. YG Entertainment and all pertinent artists are the sole owners of all copyrights.

Wordle served as inspiration for this game. Only one Wordle game may be played per day. You have six chances to correctly pick the word of the day. The objective of Heardle is to identify the music in seven tries.

Where can I play Blackpink Heardle games?

The opposite of wordle, heardle, which focuses on honing the listening ear, successfully built on the enormous success of wordle. In addition, as they disseminated their results on social media, supporters shattered the internet. Additionally, fans celebrated every time they correctly identified a song and took a step toward becoming the ideal Kpop fan! Furthermore, playing the games for free online is simple. They simply need to conduct an internet search for the particular heardle they wish to play. By clicking here, you can give one a try!

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