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Wordle off

Wordle Off is a fun and fast-paced word association game that will have your friends and family laughing their heads off. You can play it as a party game or as an icebreaker at the beginning of another party. Once you get playing, you’ll see that Wordle Off is also super easy to learn. Even if you haven’t played the original Wordle, you should be able to catch on in no time!

Wordle Off is Wordle with a competitive edge. Instead of hiding your word from your friends, you now have to hide it from an opponent. This means that instead of creating one large word and trying not to get caught by others, you now need to create a bunch of smaller words that all point to the same larger hidden word. In other words:

You will be given different letters on a board and need to combine them into words that make sense but also point towards some other hidden word. Sounds easy? That’s because it IS! But things get complicated once you add in opponents who are trying their best to expose your tricks and traps. Who will be the sneaky Wordler this time around?

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