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Weredle is free to play and offers no in-app purchases or ads. You can play it on any web browser, including Google Chrome and Firefox.

Weredle is compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Weredle supports both English and Spanish language games.

A fun, global, and totally free online word-guessing game is called Weredle. Six chances are given to each participant to guess a hidden word. The game is played on a board with a grid of letters, words, and numbers. The player starts by choosing one of the three boards. Each time the player guesses a word, they are given one of the four possible answers. The player can choose from any of the four options, including a letter, a word, or a number. The game ends when a participant guesses all six words correctly.

The game is free and fun for everyone. It can be played by anyone with an internet connection. There is no registration required.

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