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Thirdle is a word game with the main aim of finding as many words as possible in a given time. You must find three words from six letters that are at least two letters apart. This may sound easy but it's not! It gets more challenging each time you play and the more you play, the harder it gets. The game has an undo feature, so if you make a mistake, no worries!

This is a simple game that anyone can play. Each round consists of three words, and players compete to see who can find the most words beginning with the third letter. The game is fast-paced and challenging, which makes it ideal for passing time on long car rides or flights.

Players take turns giving one-word answers that begin with the third letter of the word before them. For example, if someone says “car,” you could respond with “taxi,” “automotive,” or another word that starts with “t” and has something to do with cars. Players score points for each correct answer they give—no matter what the other players say!

If you want to learn more about this game let's play the game now!

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