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The runaway success of Wordle has led to plenty of homages from developers paying tribute to the addictive formula. Some of the Wordle alternatives so far include Mahler, which tests your head for equations, and Worldle (sic.), which challenges your geographical knowledge by replacing words with country outlines.

Next comes another app like Wordle that focuses on a very specific niche. So dust off your comics and grab your lightsaber, for SWordle is a word game about Star Wars! Once again, it has the same gameplay as the OG Wordle.

You get six tries to guess a 5-letter word. But I’d argue that this game is harder. Not only does it include terms and characters from the comics, but it also includes the names of droids — which is why this keyboard also has numbers and a dash for you to use. If it sounds like an impossible task, don’t worry. The game allows you a hint after your third guess. It also has a list with over 14k words to help you guess.

It follows the same rules as Wordle where green represents a correct letter in the right place and a yellow a correct letter in the wrong location as you try and identify the five-letter word in six guesses or fewer. Oh, and numbers are permitted for droid-related reasons.

Why should you play SWordle?

It’s definitely THE word game to test your Star Wars knowledge. Plus, even if you’re not the most hardcore fan, you can still have a blast playing it. Especially with the list of suggestions.

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