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You have six chances to correctly guess a subway trip with two transfers in the browser game Subwaydle. Every guess in Subwaydle must be an actual subway ride one could take beneath New York City, just like every guess in Wordle must be a real word. Of course, this only applies if all the trains are operating normally. A rail line will be shown as gray if it is not on the route, yellow if it is on the route but is currently at the wrong location, and green if it is on the route and is in the proper location. No trip includes a quick pit stop at a subway bar.

Sunny Ng, a software developer from New York City, created the game after getting some inspiration from pre-pandemic quiz events at the New York City Transit Museum. Try solving one of the puzzles yourself to see if you can solve it, but beware: there are 6,835 possible puzzle combinations each daily. Funny thing is that the game alters on weekends to match weekend service, thus there are only 4,188 combinations. Be aware that you can request a hint that specifies the start and end stations of the journey.

Wishing you luck getting there!

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