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Sonic Heardle

Sonic Heardle - fans of the blue blur will be put to the test by this amazing game, the newest member of the bandwagon. Even if you believe you are the biggest fan and are prepared to humiliate yourself at a Crush 40 performance, it is not at all an easy task. The artist has really combed through the extensive Sonic music library to find tracks, some of which you may not have even heard before.

Even though Sonic Heardle has only been available for a few days, it isn't holding back. For today's pick, I'll give you a hint: You probably haven't played the game it comes from. But as soon as you hear the first two seconds of it, you'll be able to guess as much. Hell, I already own the game and still wasn't able to download it.

The game's description states that "Each Sonic Heardle is randomly selected from one of the various tunes from the franchise." Most of them are from games, although there are a couple from adaptations (such as the OVA or SatAM) as well. In other words, some of these will require you to actually think back in time. I doubt many of us have recently watched cartoons.

It resets every 24 hours, just like all the Wordle-type games. I'm crossing my fingers for the third one to be a little easier on the ego. You can also check out the official Sonic Roblox game, which we previously reviewed if you need something to do in the interim.


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