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Points4Words.io is a fast, fun, and challenging multiplayer word game. The objective is to make as many points as possible by combining letters in your hand with those on the board. Play against friends or other players from all over the world.

This is an exciting multiplayer online board game. You will be challenged to find and make as many words as you can in a limited time. Try to finish the word with minimum points to unlock the final challenge is a fast-paced, multiplayer word game for friends and family that can be played.

Points4Words.io is a brand new, multiplayer word-based game with a twist. Players must use their vocabulary to help them win by making strategic word choices instead of finding the first word that comes to mind. Each player is given seven letters at the beginning of each round and must find as many words as they can from those seven letters within 60 seconds. Once a player has found a word, they select one of three mystery ‘word tokens’ and place it in front of them, so that all players can see which token was chosen. These tokens offer special abilities; for example, you may be able to remove another player’s token from the board or switch places with another player if you find an appropriate word. The catch? Let's play now!

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