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Letter Garden

Letter Garden is a word puzzle game available to play for free online at In this game, your objective is to form words by selecting adjacent letter tiles on the game board. The goal is to clear rows and columns of letters before time runs out in order to advance to higher levels and grow your flower garden.

To play Letter Garden, you need to click and drag your mouse or swipe on the touchscreen to select adjacent letter tiles that form a word. Words can be formed by connecting letters vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Once you have formed a word, you can submit it by clicking the "Submit" or "Enter" button.

As you progress through the levels, the difficulty increases, and more challenging letter arrangements are presented. To help you clear the board, you can earn power-ups by clearing extra rows and columns after meeting the level goal. These power-ups can be used strategically to clear more letters and advance further.

One interesting feature of Letter Garden is that unused tiles accumulate as you play. If you find yourself stuck or unable to form new words, you can match three or more identical tiles by swapping their positions. If all the letters in the matched tiles are adjacent, you can submit them as a word, which helps clear the board and create space for new letters.

Letter Garden provides a relaxing and enjoyable word puzzle experience, where you can challenge yourself to clear the entire board and complete each level. It's a game that tests your word-building skills and strategic thinking as you aim to create longer and more complex words within the given time limit.

Some more information about the Letter Garden game:


  1. Word Formation: Select adjacent letter tiles to create words. The letters must be connected horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
  2. Level Progression: Clear rows and columns of letters to advance to higher levels. As you progress, the game becomes more challenging.
  3. Power-ups: Clearing extra rows and columns after meeting the level goal can earn you power-ups. These power-ups can help you clear more letters and progress faster.
  4. Tile Stock: As you progress, unused tiles may stock up. You can use these tiles to your advantage by matching three or more identical tiles and submitting them as a word if they are adjacent.
  5. Flower Garden: The game features a flower garden that grows as you advance through the levels. Clearing rows and columns contributes to the growth of your garden.

Tips to Win:

  1. Start with Short Words: Look for short and simple words to get the game going. Focus on clearing rows and columns in the early levels to build momentum.
  2. Utilize Power-ups: Take advantage of power-ups earned by clearing extra rows and columns. These power-ups can help you clear more letters and meet the level goals faster.
  3. Look for Opportunities: Analyze the board and look for opportunities to create longer words or words with less common letters. These will yield higher scores and help you clear more letters in a single move.
  4. Plan Ahead: Strategize your moves and try to anticipate the letters that will appear in the next row or column. This can help you set up future word formations and maximize your points.
  5. Clear Stocked Tiles: Make use of the stocked tiles by matching three or more identical tiles and submitting them

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Puzzle Games Word Games

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