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Joined Words

Joined Words is a terrific way to test your English vocabulary as well as connect the dots and put things together," asserts Radha Mandayam, the designer of the game. If you're already tired of seeing the green and yellow squares in all the wordles, this one might be a welcome break because it doesn't have them all over as other wordles do.

Rules for Joined Words

  • The puzzle can be solved at any time.
  • Look at the three hints, then enter the response. You have the option of typing either the connected word or the individual word response.
  • You can guess the word a maximum of 10 times.
  • You will receive a hint that reveals the first and second words' starting letters after the third and sixth attempts, respectively.
  • You can also play while using Easy Mode.

There is a leaderboard in Joined Words that is revealed the next day if you do locate the solution faster than the others who came before you. You can also check the solution to a term the following day if you don't understand it.

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