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Jewdle is a word game with letters on it and you need to use your logic and spelling skills to fill in the gaps. Sounds simple right? Well, it can be, but there are some challenging levels that might test your vocabulary. This is a new game app and it’s available on iOS and Android devices.

The gameplay involves passing through the alphabet. The goal is to complete words by connecting tiles of the same letter. Different letters have different multipliers, so use those wisely!

For example, an E has 1 multiplier, while X has 4 multipliers! Words with multiple letters will have their multiplier reduced, while they will get more points for single-letter words. There are three main stages in Jewdles: Quidditch Practice Camp; Hogsmeade; and Hogwarts Express. Each world has a different set of words for you to tackle! The difficulty level increases when you go from one world set to another so make sure you don't get stuck!

The game starts off easy enough so that even mistakes won't penalize you too much but as soon as you move on from one world to another, things become more difficult with higher letter counts required for solving the puzzles. Have fun!

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