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Harry Potter is a series of books and films that has captured the hearts of millions. Now you can bring the magic of Hogwarts to your classroom with this fun wordle Hogwartle game based on the Harry Potter books.

This activity is great for improving vocabulary, spelling, and reading skills, and will keep your students engaged with its exciting competition element. The game involves players taking on the role of wizards at Hogwarts Academy, competing individually or in teams to see who can identify more words from their spell books first.

Everyone can get stuck on challenging words – luckily there are friendly house-elves lurking about who will give you hints if you’re struggling. If you’re confident with your spelling skills this could be a great opportunity for you to help others! The final part of this game involves creating a wordle using different colored tiles to represent each character, their pet, and magical creature.

A wordle is basically a visual representation of words. It is similar to a word cloud but instead of using size to represent frequency, they use to shape and arrangement to achieve the same result. In other words, it’s also an infographic but with words rather than numbers or other data points as its primary focus.

This free game will let you discover the hidden meanings in JK Rowling’s books. You can also test your knowledge of the world of witches and wizards by sharing your findings with other players on social media. So let’s begin…

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