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Harry Styles Heardle

Harry Styles Heardle is a game hot, how to play the game based on the pop star's never-ending stream of hits, which has Harry Styles Heardle's fans captivated.

Get ready for the Harry Styles version of Heardle—you've heard of Wordle.

With the spin-off game that has gone viral online, what better way to put your Styler knowledge to the ultimate test?

At the beginning of the year, Wordle attracted people's attention on Twitter as they posted nonstop about their word-guessing prowess. Soon after, a game with audio was released.

How Well Do You Know New Era by Harry Styles?

Josh Wardle, a software programmer, designed the original game in October 2021, in which players strive to accurately guess a five-letter phrase in six tries. His idea has inspired other imitations, including Taylordle for followers of Taylor Swift and now Harry Styles Heardle!

Here's how to play the One Direction star-inspired game that has fans fascinated since they first learned about it.

What is Heardle?

Heardle gives the word game a musical spin. The number of times a player can properly identify a song based on just a few seconds of audio is six.

With each attempt, you get an additional second of the song until you exhaust your six chances!

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