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Fibble is a word game for two or more players where each player must use their intelligence, vocabulary, and word knowledge to create words using the letters given. Fibble is similar to Scrabble or Words with Friends, but instead of playing against an opponent, you play against the board. The last player with the remaining letters wins.

To start, shuffle all the letters together and deal one card per player face up on the table. Your board will have different letter categories (phrases, prefixes, suffixes, etc.) that are all hidden at first.

Once everyone has their cards, each player will take turns revealing one letter at a time from the top of their card. If a revealed letter matches one of the hidden letters in that category then that letter stays hidden and a new letter is revealed from the top of your next card. If not then it will reveal itself as well as another letter from your next card. Continue this process until no more letters can be revealed from your current cards.

Once you run out of letters on your current card you’re done revealing everything so the first person to get rid of all their letters wins!

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