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Explordle is an entertaining geography game, you must pick out the correct locations from a YouTube video. It resembles a GeoGuessr game in some ways, although the game is played with a video rather than Google Street View.

Explordle's rules are extremely straightforward. All you have to do is choose the right location from a list of four after being given a video of a random area. After you've made your guess, whether it was accurate or not, you may use an interactive map to see where the video actually is.

The fact that the answers are provided in Chinese makes Explordle a little more challenging (for non-Chinese speakers). If you use Chrome and have Google Translate enabled, this is not a problem. You can get past any language barriers in other browsers by selecting the map icon next to each multiple-choice response (in order to view a map of the location).

Try "City Guesser" instead if you truly can't be bothered playing in Chinese. It's basically exactly the same game, but this one is in English.

The entertaining location-guessing game Explordle City Guesser asks you to recognize a certain spot in a video. Simply point at the spot shown on an interactive map to begin playing. The game plays a seemingly random video of a location in the world. To determine where you believe the film was shot, you must pay attention to the visual cues in the clip (such as the language & words used in street signs and the design of the street furniture). Once your guess has been made, all you need to do is click on an interactive map to receive points based on how well you guessed the location from the video.

Like GeoGuessr, City Guesser and Explordle also rely on you to recognize visual cues in order to determine the game's location. I enjoy all three games because they emphasize a feeling of place and force you to consider the particular characteristics that define a location.

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