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Two words are used in each puzzle in the word game ELDROW. The first word is a hint, while the second is the solution. You can find the solution by working backward from the hint.

5 crosswords every day. Share your solutions after completing the problems.

If you’re looking for a fun word game for kids, then look no further! Eldrow is a free, educational word game that you can play on almost any device such as your smartphone, tablet, or computer. As well as being great for kids, this game is also suitable for adults and older children who want to hone their vocabulary.

This kid-friendly word game challenges players to make as many words with the letter E as they can within 3 turns. There are two different modes in which you can play: Quick Play and Challenge Mode. In Quick Play, you will have access to 12 of the 144 Word Lists but Challenge Mode unlocks every Word List in the game so be sure to give it a try if you like this type of game!

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