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Cladder is a word game played in many countries around the world. It’s fun for people of all ages and is perfect for family get-togethers or game nights with friends.

The object of a Cladder game is to guess a word from ten clues based on that word’s last letter, first letter, and category (general, natural, manmade structure, etc.). The clue categories are:
The clues are presented in random order so that each player gets the same number of them. It’s challenging at first but becomes easier as you learn the various clues. Cladderers can also play Cladders online using websites like Word Spud and Scrabble Club.

The Cladder Word Game is a cross between Scrabble and general word association. Words are combined in a similar way to Scrabble, and players have 60 seconds to guess the word from 10 clues. Solving a Cladder word is more about speed than strategy. You need to know the words that go with the one you've chosen, and also know what other words could be used in place of the one you've chosen. Let’s play the game and take a look at how it works.

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