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Cinenerdle is a word game available on iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. In the game, you need to find words that have been hidden within a grid of letters. Depending on how fast or accurate you are at finding these words, you will rank from an apprentice to a pro in the game.

How fast can you think about words? You need to find the correct word for each clue as fast as possible. There are different levels of difficulty. If you’re stuck on any level, take a break and play again later with fresh eyes to crack the code faster than ever before!

Cinenerdle is a game that has players take on the role of cinephile film critics reviewing movies for their high school newspaper. Players are given the name of a famous actor and must write a review as if they were that person. Each card in Cinenerdle contains two words like “caudaceous” or “morbidly obese”; players combine these words to create the best sentence possible using both words.

In this review and strategy game, players are given a list of movies and have 60 seconds to jot down as many details about each movie as they can. These details could be anything from the number of explosions or the number of times someone says “Cinenerd” in the film.

Players are also given a secret motive card at random. These cards give players a different goal to complete during their review. Some examples include making sure that your review includes more adjectives than words, or ensuring that you use no more than three sentences on any one movie.

When you are finished taking notes on each movie, you then have to base your review around one of six criteria: Plot, Acting Skills, Cinematography, Special Effects, Genre, and Re-watchability.

This is a game for the cinenerds among us. Players take on the role of high school students reviewing movies for their school newspaper. Each player takes on the role of one of four types of film critics: The Cool Kid, The Smart Kid, The Mean Kid, and The Nerdy Kid. After being assigned roles at random, players read their character’s backstories and have an identity crisis because they aren’t sure which one best represents them personally. Yikes! But don’t worry; you get to pick again!

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