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Anime Heardle

A glance at the current day's Anime Heardle solution as well as previous days' past responses.

It seems like there are ten or twenty new Wordle versions every time we turn around, much like the Hydra of Greek and Roman mythology. Heardle, an established audio-based spinoff, has a new spinoff called Anime Heardle. Players try to identify the series from which they hear bits of an anime opening theme, ending theme, or OST tune. Each missed or wrong response opens new song sections that provide extra hints.

There's a chance you'll do well if you regularly watch anime, but for the rest of us, this post will include the solutions to the daily anime soundtrack guessing game. Try your best to identify the song on your own, but if you're having trouble, we can assist you. However, given how many anime there is, nobody can criticize you for being unable to guess it.

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