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In Absurdle, players take turns trying to guess a word from the other player. Each word has several letters removed, so it’s hard to figure out what word it is. The only way to know for sure is by asking the other player if any of the removed letters are in that word. If not, then you know that particular set of letters can’t be used in that word.

If you are able to successfully eliminate words based on these clues and your partner cannot guess the correct word, you win!

Players must guess a word by giving examples of other words that start with the same letter. For example, if the word is "abode," players could say “a place to live” as an example for “A” and “Home” as an example for “H”.

This is done by first choosing a word that fits those letters; in this case, ABODE. The player then gives examples of other words that begin with those letters. In this case, we can give examples like ABOYENT, ABODE, and so on until we get it right!

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